Herne Bay Pest Control


All You Need to Know About Mice

Pest Control Herne bay often find clents think a mouse is often considered a smaller version of a rat. While that is generally the case, there are other differences. The tails are generally hairless and the ears are more rounded and small. However, that does not stop them from being pests. To understand more about the dangers they cause and how to deal with them, you need to know much more about them. Just where do they prefer to live and how long do they live for? Herne Bay Pest Control will give you some background on the common types of mouse.


There are two most common types of mice around the world. The first is the house mouse, although this can be broken down into various other species. The second is the field mouse and again can be broken down into other species. The names give away their preferred location, but are there any other differences?

Field mice commonly eat the crops that grow out in the fields. They are major pests for farmers and those growing their own vegetables and plants. Because of their adaptability to their surroundings, they do manage to avoid danger from the larger animals that prey on them. Herne Bay Pest Control carry out contract work for farms and businesses in Herne Bay Kent.

The house mouse usually seeks homes for shelter. Nests are built because of the warmth, especially during the winter months, and there is the benefit of easy food. The team at Pest Control Herne bay are on hand day and night to help with all things pest control.

Living and Eating Habits of All Mice

These rodents have very poor eyesight. They prefer to come out at night, and use their hearing to check for any danger. Their excellent sense of smell is then used to find the food left around houses and in fields.

When in the wild, the burrows developed are extremely intricate to protect themselves. They will used various tunnels that are long and windy to get to their main nesting area. Studies have shown Herne Bay Pest Control that the ability to build such intricate designs is pre-written and never taught.

Most mice prefer grains and rice. However, they will eat anything that is around. When it comes to house mice, they will eat the crumbs left from bread and biscuits happily. For those who have decided to keep mice as pets, a range of vegetables is an excellent option for full nutritional benefit.

There are many different types of pests around, and understanding them is the best way to catch them to remove them from the house. Mice are just one type of pests. Rats, squirrels and wasps are also extremely common around the world. Herne Bay Pest Control has experience in all pest removal and prevention.


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Kent Pest Control services specialize in controlling and eliminating; rats, mice, moles bedbugs, wasps, fleas, squirrels, moths, flies, Pigeons, Seagulls the list goes on. Below is our top services.

The Pest Control Kent team are happy to help with any queries you have reagrding our services.

Pest Control kent Squirrels

Sciuris carolinensis, more commonly known as The Grey Squirrel is another one of the family of rodents. They are built for climbing, but some species of squirrel can be known to live in tunnels underground.

Pest Control Mice

The House Mouse is a wild mammal, but over the years it has been domesticated and has become a home pet. Most people who have wild mice cohabiting with them (without a cage) eventually need a company like Kent Pest Control

Kent Pest Control Wasp

There are two common kinds of wasps, the social and the solitary. The social are called that as they usually live and work together in colonies, whereas the solitary wasps rear their families alone.

Kent Pest Control Rats

Inspection is an important first step in getting rid of rats. Once you know the location of the rats, you can set traps or place bait.

Flea Control Kent

The original name for the flea ‘Siphonaptera’ is derived from the Greek word ‘siphon,’ meaning ‘tube’ or ‘pipe,’ which is exactly the same as its meaning in English.

Pest Control Kent Bed Bug

Inspecting Your Room Canterbury Pest Control understands that you are on holiday, and that when you go away, you don’t really want to be thinking about bedbugs.


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