Pest Control Mice


The House Mouse (Mus Domesticus)

The House Mouse is a wild mammal, but over the years it has been domesticated and has become a home pet. Most people who have wild mice cohabiting with them (without a cage) eventually need a company like Kent Pest Control as despite their adorable appearance, they are known to cause diseases, and once you have a problem with mice, they can prove difficult to get rid of.

How to Identify a House Mouse?

They weigh about fifteen to eighteen grams and are seven to nine centimetres in length. Their large ears and pointed nose make them more attractive to humans, especially children and they have been used in children’s stories and cartoons for many years.

The Breeding Habits of the House Mouse

They become sexually mature at eight to twelve weeks with a gestation period of seventeen to twenty days, having around five to six pups a litter. Mice come in various shades of brown or grey but domesticated mice have been bred in various colours ranging from white to champagne or black. Mice have also been used for laboratory testing for the progression of medical science. These mice have been bred to have white fur.

Where Does the House Mouse Live?

Like the rat, they live in buildings and rubbish dumps. They used to be more commonly found in cornfields until the combined harvester frightened them off. Now they like to live near human habitat as they know that is where the food is. You can sometimes hear a mouse scurrying through the wall cavities of your house. The way to know if you have a mouse infestation is to look out for holes and droppings.

The House Mouse is a nocturnal mammal, but can be found occasionally in the daylight, especially if you unknowingly disturb its hiding place. I’m sure most of us have had the experience of jumping out of our skin because a mouse has scurried out of the room with fear as we’ve found its hideout. That’s when an organisation like Pest Control Kent can come to the rescue.

What Does the House Mouse Eat?

They are omnivores but prefer feeding on cereals and insects and wasps. Unlike the rat they can survive without additional water unless their food is particularly dry.

The Mouse and Kent Pest Control

They are known to cause diseases and are in need of pest control Kent as like the rat and squirrel they can excessively breed. The house mouse is closely related to the rat sharing its attractiveness to humans and some are kept as pets but the majority are known as pests and are in need of eradicating.


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Kent Pest Control services specialize in controlling and eliminating; rats, mice, moles bedbugs, wasps, fleas, squirrels, moths, flies, Pigeons, Seagulls the list goes on. Below is our top services.

The Pest Control Kent team are happy to help with any queries you have reagrding our services.

Pest Control kent Squirrels

Sciuris carolinensis, more commonly known as The Grey Squirrel is another one of the family of rodents. They are built for climbing, but some species of squirrel can be known to live in tunnels underground.

Pest Control Mice

The House Mouse is a wild mammal, but over the years it has been domesticated and has become a home pet. Most people who have wild mice cohabiting with them (without a cage) eventually need a company like Kent Pest Control

Kent Pest Control Wasp

There are two common kinds of wasps, the social and the solitary. The social are called that as they usually live and work together in colonies, whereas the solitary wasps rear their families alone.

Kent Pest Control Rats

Inspection is an important first step in getting rid of rats. Once you know the location of the rats, you can set traps or place bait.

Flea Control Kent

The original name for the flea ‘Siphonaptera’ is derived from the Greek word ‘siphon,’ meaning ‘tube’ or ‘pipe,’ which is exactly the same as its meaning in English.

Pest Control Kent Bed Bug

Inspecting Your Room Canterbury Pest Control understands that you are on holiday, and that when you go away, you don’t really want to be thinking about bedbugs.


Do you need help with pest control? Fill out this form to get in touch.