Pest Control Birchington


Common House Pests



  • Woodlice


The woodlouse is quite harmless, nevertheless it can still prove to be a nuisance in your home. They are usually found in the garden and are very good at disguising themselves.


They can roll up into a tiny ball to look like the perfect little stone. So beware when your mischievous 10 year old son brings a ‘present for mummy’ (awe, how sweet) and then this ‘gift’ suddenly unravels itself and crawls up your arm.


Like a lot of garden pests, the woodlouse can prove beneficial for cultivating the soil, but the flip side of that is that they can invade your home. Problems with woodlice indoors could be an indication that your house has damp.  If you need any advice, please speak to one of our controller’s at Pest Control Birchington.


  • Ants


This is the time of year for ants. They love the hot weather almost as much as us. You may think that the ant is harmless because it is so small. Harmless on its own maybe, but not on mass. The smallness of the ant enables it to get into the most extraordinary places to enter your home. We suggest you barricade the ant outside. Sounds dramatic, but it does work. Pest Control Birchington will be able to advise you further on how to do this.


  • Mice


These guys don’t wait for summertime. They are around all year, and prove to be a major problem for some home owners. They wreck your home, bite through electrical wiring and leave droppings wherever they go, causing disease to spread. They love to hang around your food and will take desperate measures to break cereal boxes open for a feed. If you spot one mouse indoors, it’s time to call the professionals in.


  • Wasps


One nest can contain up to 25,000 wasps, and they are extremely active at this time of year. Even if they are just residing in your garden, this can prove dangerous. Your children more than likely would like to spend most of the summer in the garden. You don’t want them to share it with a wasps nest. Not unless you would like a crying and hurt child that is.


  • Spiders


On the whole the common house spider in the UK is your one friend, and yet this insect is feared by us the most. The ‘spider will swallow the fly,’ just like the one in the nursery rhyme. Well, unless it’s the ‘black widow.’ A bite from one of those can cause pain, muscle spasms and even difficulty breathing.


Pest Control Birchington is available 24/7.