Pest Control Dover


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If you were to simply watch a squirrel you will quickly realise how free spirited these little devils are. They will very happily scamper around your garden jumping from one branch to the next as they master acrobatic moves without a single step wrong. Although they live a care free lifestyle they can unfortunately be a nuisance to humans. Of all the species those most common are the grey squirrel, the red squirrel, the fox squirrel and also the flying squirrel. They typically have a bushy tail and can grow up to fifty centre metres in length.


Tree squirrels will usually nest in wooded areas but as humans continue to expand into these areas, squirrels are forced to look for alternative places to nest and that unfortunately can include nesting inside buildings. The most frequent place for them to nest is inside garages and lofts where they will reach hard to get to areas by chewing holes so that they can store their food. You will probably be very aware that you have an infestation of squirrels because their activity is very loud and anyone within a close proximity can usually hear them. If this sounds like your home contact pest control Dover today to remove these safely.

These squirrels are most active first thing in the morning and also in the afternoon as they spend all their time in the search for food and finding places to store it.  Their diet will normally consist of nuts, leaves, fruit, insects and bark.  They will collect food even if it is not needed as this will be stored for winter keeping.

Many young squirrels are born during the early spring and summer periods, with tree squirrels bearing two litters in a year whereas flying squirrels will only give birth once a year.  The litter can vary and can be anywhere between three and eight squirrels and is highly dependent on the species.  Get in touch with pest control Dover to control the infestation if you feel it is causing you an issue before the adult squirrels breed and cause an even bigger problem.

Apart from seeing the squirrels and listening to them in your lofts they can cause damage as they gnaw their way around.  This can be particularly dangerous especially if you have young children.  Remember do call upon pest control in Kent and do not try and attempt to remove these yourself.  Not only can it be dangerous but if you don’t have the knowledge and skills to handle squirrels it can make the problem worse.  This is why pest control, Dover based companies are the perfect answer to removing squirrels from your home and gardens.

Squirrels are very clever at alerting other squirrels if there is danger ahead.  They will leave scents as well as making various noises to alert fellow squirrels of potential danger.

You don’t need to put up with squirrels if they are a nuisance to you as there are many solutions available to you.  Be sure to contact pest control Dover today.

Pest Control Dover


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0843 772 9875



Kent Pest Control services specialize in controlling and eliminating; rats, mice, moles bedbugs, wasps, fleas, squirrels, moths, flies, Pigeons, Seagulls the list goes on. Below is our top services.

The Pest Control Kent team are happy to help with any queries you have reagrding our services.

Pest Control kent Squirrels

Sciuris carolinensis, more commonly known as The Grey Squirrel is another one of the family of rodents. They are built for climbing, but some species of squirrel can be known to live in tunnels underground.

Pest Control Mice

The House Mouse is a wild mammal, but over the years it has been domesticated and has become a home pet. Most people who have wild mice cohabiting with them (without a cage) eventually need a company like Kent Pest Control

Kent Pest Control Wasp

There are two common kinds of wasps, the social and the solitary. The social are called that as they usually live and work together in colonies, whereas the solitary wasps rear their families alone.

Kent Pest Control Rats

Inspection is an important first step in getting rid of rats. Once you know the location of the rats, you can set traps or place bait.

Flea Control Kent

The original name for the flea ‘Siphonaptera’ is derived from the Greek word ‘siphon,’ meaning ‘tube’ or ‘pipe,’ which is exactly the same as its meaning in English.

Pest Control Kent Bed Bug

Inspecting Your Room Canterbury Pest Control understands that you are on holiday, and that when you go away, you don’t really want to be thinking about bedbugs.


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