Pest Control Whitstable


Are Squirrels Really Pests?

Looking for Pest Control Whitstable ?

Pest control Whitstable explain a little more about Squirrels and their habits. Squirrels come across as cute woodland creatures when watching TV shows and reading fiction. You may even hear about how endangered they are. However, they can be extremely dangerous to the home and your family, making them pests. It is time to take control of your home, and you can do that by understanding more about the creatures.

Types of Squirrels

There are many species of this medium-sized rodents, with the most renowned being the flying squirrel and red squirrel. However, many people do not realise that marmots and chipmunks are also considered as a type of this pest.

The majority of the animals are small, reaching about 10cm in length, and weigh around 10g. However, the Alpine marmot is much larger and can reach lengths of 73cm, with a weight of as much as 8kg.

Pest Control Whitstable explain a little more on Breeding and Living Habits of Squirrels

These animals are among the longest living pests around the world. Most grey squirrels can live up to six years old, but this will depend on the place they choose to live. Unfortunately for them, many die younger because of trying to cross roads or due to tractors in their living space. Some of the species are starting to die out, and it has led to governments aiming to see a reduction in the hunting of the animals.

They will only breed up to twice a year and have pups within six weeks of breeding. The males will often disappear after that, leaving the raising of the young to the females, which is typical for all types of animals.

Finding Food Suitable for the Diet

Cellulose is out of the question for all of these animals, so they search for food that is high in carbohydrates, fats and protein. Nuts and seeds are among the most common options, as well as green vegetation and fruits. Meat is an option when the pests are very hungry, with young snakes, insects, smaller rodents and eggs being the popular choice. Some of the animals living in tropical areas have adapted to a meat diet due to the lack of vegetation and nuts.

The more you know about the pests, the more you can take control back over your environment. Pests, like squirrels and wasps, are not just annoying. They carry fleas and all sorts of diseases, just like many other pests like rats and mice.  Pest Control Whitstable carry out Pest Control services in the local area for homeowners and business alike.

Pest Control Whitstable cover a broad range of pest, mouse control, rat control, fleas, bed bugs, ants, etc., call Pest Control Whitstable today for a free quote or a friendly chat.

If you require a commercial pest control contract quote, here at Pest Control Whitstable we provide a no obligation free quote for any contract large or small. We also guarantee to beat any current contract by a minimum of 10%.

So if you need a local friendly family run Pest Control Whitstable based company call the experts today and we will arrange a site visit with one of our highly trained pest control team.


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Kent Pest Control services specialize in controlling and eliminating; rats, mice, moles bedbugs, wasps, fleas, squirrels, moths, flies, Pigeons, Seagulls the list goes on. Below is our top services.

The Pest Control Kent team are happy to help with any queries you have reagrding our services.

Pest Control kent Squirrels

Sciuris carolinensis, more commonly known as The Grey Squirrel is another one of the family of rodents. They are built for climbing, but some species of squirrel can be known to live in tunnels underground.

Pest Control Mice

The House Mouse is a wild mammal, but over the years it has been domesticated and has become a home pet. Most people who have wild mice cohabiting with them (without a cage) eventually need a company like Kent Pest Control

Kent Pest Control Wasp

There are two common kinds of wasps, the social and the solitary. The social are called that as they usually live and work together in colonies, whereas the solitary wasps rear their families alone.

Kent Pest Control Rats

Inspection is an important first step in getting rid of rats. Once you know the location of the rats, you can set traps or place bait.

Flea Control Kent

The original name for the flea ‘Siphonaptera’ is derived from the Greek word ‘siphon,’ meaning ‘tube’ or ‘pipe,’ which is exactly the same as its meaning in English.

Pest Control Kent Bed Bug

Inspecting Your Room Canterbury Pest Control understands that you are on holiday, and that when you go away, you don’t really want to be thinking about bedbugs.


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